Monday, December 26, 2016

EmersonGear Sponsored the Tianjin ZhongBoDa Play Field Openning Ceremony Show

This moment is an exciting moment that another victory of Wargame came true. Thanks to Tianjin ZhongBoDa and holding this openning ceremony and Emersongear is privilidged to sponsor. 
Please come along with me to share this last Wargame in 2016. 
In 2017, there will be you, Emersonger, all of us to witness the Wargame development and have fun.
We found a hotel near the play field
The weather in Tianjin is so severe to a Southerner

Steam heater is such a new toy for us

We are treated by the President Mr.Ma

BB Guns
Models at the show
Have fun with the players
Inner Mongolia Play Field Owner with the Models

Players are at our booth
Gift Time
One player is trying latest 419 Vest
Outfit wearing competition

Wargame Fans Crowd
The Commision Refree is giving souvineirs for the winners

Cutie Patrick Star
Chinese BB gun Guru
New Friendship
Ah Oh, where is your right hand, pal?
One player team
Handsome Tactial Model
Enjoying the communication
Players in front of the banner
Happy Man
Bosses from Eagle Claw and Emersongear
Crowded at the Emersongear booth

Players eat at the Base

Photo of the emersongear and wargamecn
Emersongear Patroit Lite MCAD
Win the lottery to get gifts
Win the lottery to get gifts
Fun moments sprint, 3 day trip just finished in a blink, but for players it's just a new start.

At the end, let's hold hands with Emersongear and enjoy the 2017

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Who is the real manufacturer of EmersonGear?

I believe there are most of you are confused by EmersonGear and YZH, we have received inquiries about asking that if we are the distributor of EmersonGear, as you might have noticed that our website is and our emails are ends by, that we had to explain several times.
SO today let’s make a list of FAQ and try to answer these doubts.

Q:Is YZH a distributor of EmersonGear?

A:No! YZH is the authentic original manufacturer of EmersonGear, we are located in Guangzhou, China.

Q:Then what’s the exact difference between EmersonGear and YZH?

A:Well, EmersonGear(with the skull as image) is the registered brand and YZH is the company name and the manufacturer of it. YZH is like mother and EmersonGear is like the son.

Q:What does YZH mean?

A:Good question as it doesn’t mean anything in English. YZH is the first Pinyin of our company name, 野战行 Ye Zhan Hang, means Skirmish Trading.

Q:Why don’t you use as domain name?

A:Yes, this domain name will clarify the brand and company, and much easier for EmersonGear Users and Clients to find us. We own this domain name and is under construction now, when she is ready to publish, we will make official notice to all of you, so please keep in touch.

Q:Why there is not a contact information on ?

A:There are several factors made us not to leave any contact, that’s a have-to decision.

1, if we leave contacts, there will be so many individual players want to get gears directly from us but we do only wholesale, we have authorized dealers that we recommend our EmersonGear Users to go to them;

2, and of course there will be limitless harassment of promotions and spams with any methods;

3, but most reason is that tactical gears are sensitive in China and we don’t want any unnecessary troubles.
We know that it’s inconvenience for our users and clients find us and not benefited for marketing, but for some time we still have to go like this. And also that’s why I am writing this post that in hope to clarify and make it easier for our users and clients to find us.

Keep in touch with us via:
instagram emersongearfactory, Facebook page, YouTube Emerson Gear

Monday, December 5, 2016

Emersongear COBRA tactical Belt series for Christmas

Emersongear COBRA tactical Belt series for Christmas
Emersongear has launched a new series of Cobra Tactical Belt Series, you can call it a Christmas present.
Tactical Gear fans might have noticed there are hundreds of thousands companies are providing belts based on Cobra buckle, but the essential element is how the designer and manufacturer demonstrate its own soul.
Cobra buckles are not cheap, and they need to be manufactured upon the order, we had to wait for Cobra to manufacture the buckle and sailed on the sea for about one month before the buckles arrive at our factory.

Certificate for the Cobra from AustriAlpin

Basic styles, Materials and Handicraft etc of the Buckle

After brainstorm and hardworking of our R&D Department, we have finally designed 3 models for various characters.

We have designed these 3 models not only for the benefit but to create a great concept which to bring the military elements into the everyday life, to make the EmersonGear brand different than how normal people think of Made in China, we are honored and proud of EmersonGear brand.

EmersonGear Cobra 1.5inch Belt

Keywords: Cobra Buckle / Quick Release / High Stable / Body Intimate / Imported Webbing / Light Weight / Reinforced Stitching

From the experience of wearing the belt, I could say the 1.5inch belt matches almost any kind of pants, you can feel the amazing bound of the belt to your waist, and it can carry Clips, Strings or any other EDCs safely.

The Cobra buckle itself weighs 91gram only but the horizontal strength is 18KN.

Please be aware that the belt has 1.5 and 1.75inch two sizes.

Our R&D buddy is striving to make the belt more tasteful everyday

Small Buckle, Big Ability

EmersonGear Cobra D-Ring Riggers Belt

Keywords: Quick Release / High Stable / Safe D ring / Both sides Fixing / Reinforced Stitching

This model in the middle of 1.75inch Cobra Belt is can be used both sides, 45mm buckle is more than enough for camping, inside it has the two way fixing and is compatible with a Velcro system inside belt, increased the stability of carriage. About the D Ring, many fellows are wondering how it can carry exactly, to test that we did a test with our Biggest buddy, see the video here.

Key Words: Quick Release / Stronghold / Safe D ring / Two way Fixing / Reinforced Stitching / MOLLE System

About the 3rd model, you think I would continue write the buckle, wrong, the hot point on this model is the Webbing*

We have utilized the technique to turn 1.75inch into 2inch, every single of the belts are manufactured uniquely, that makes our EmersonGear belt more stable than other brands when using a MOLLE.

As a main part of the tactical belt, the outer belt is same size as the inner belt, and will not rub the waist / butt and feel stuffy but it will provide stronger binding force than a cummerbund and more comfortable, also it can avoid the shaky phenomenon when running. You can call it a little new invention.

Except the same function of two way fixing as 1.75inch model, this belt also has a inner belt with 2 ways usage, perfectly compatible with your other belts and cummerbunds.