Tuesday, November 1, 2016

China's First WarGame Tournament is completed successfully in Chengdu City.

Date: 21st Oct 2016 - 23rd Oct 2016
Participated: 32teams One team has 6-12players

This WarGame the very first legitimate and authorized MILSIM Airsoft game in China, we have to admit its a small step for the MILSIM fans, but a great step for the Chinese Government.

EmersonGear honorably has Sponsored the game and had the chance to communicate with the MILSIM players and fans.
With carrying a thrilling heart, on the 20th Oct, we flight to Chengdu to furnish and design the the Scene.
Compare to our base camp in Guangzhou, Chengdu is relatively colder, so we put the vest on the trolley case. :)
As we are running out of time, once the we landed to Chengdu land, we rushed to the game area to work to get the range ready for the game queue next day.
Have a look at the play ground end of the day.
We had a booth for demonstrating our products with a space of 30sqm, which is sufficient for us.
This is our booth to be area ready for the furnish. After the our professional designers and colleagues, we didnt spent so much energy to finish the job.
We were faint after the whole day labor, but thinking of coming game next day was a comfort.
The Game day, the weather is raining and made more cold, but players and fans were gathering in different BDUs and other military uniforms.
We have prepared the professional gears for the audience to test and dispatched gifts for the supporters.
 Audiences are adding WeChat and Weibo to interact with EmersonGear.
AirSoft players and fans are visiting our booth.

People were carrying our shoulder bags we given out.
Many players were wearing EmersonGear products, thanks for that.
There were 32 player teams at the tournament and it was a great event that players can communicate and make friends.
The game has selected the champion among 32 teams in 3 days, which makes the game is time ticking, but the government has given the authority IS A GREAT STEP FORWARD for AirSoft Game in China.
he champion and second place receiving the award from our EmersonGear.
Congratulations for the success Chinas First WarGame Tournament and lets wait for the next tournament.

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